Saturday, April 28, 2012

Love your Mum

My beautiful longstanding hilarious and very bossy* friend is going through hell today. She is watching her Mum die. Here are her words.

I read them and felt her sadness. And I felt terribly lucky. My Mum (also Nonna) is here with us at the moment. Waking up every morning and making craft with our girl, bouncing the fat baby and almost breaking her back in the process, baking me the world's hardest birthday cake and laughing along with us and the days pass in compound land. Only last night we were crying together about the death of her parents.

Mums are awesome. Becoming one helps this realisation along very well! It helps you understand your own Mum a lot more, and send some thanks her way for everything. It might be a few decades pass the point of relevance, but because she is your Mum, she will be grateful anyway.

Jess, big hugs to your Mum.

Your kids are super lucky to have you as theirs.

*She is not that bossy.

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