Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Me and the compound = through. For now.

I'll be the first to admit that I have spent large chunks of this year fantasising about leaving the compound for a few months. Now the time is almost here, I am feeling well - a touch apprehensive.

What the hell has happened to me?

Without wanting to go too deep, I can only conclude that I have made the transition; this being the shift from constantly wanting to leave, to never wanting to leave my safe bubble.

People - I did not see this coming, not for a second.

The predictability of my days, the innumerable aunties, the pool, the assured time alone in the house from 9am-11am every day, the tick tock of routine, the salute from the guards on entry (have become especially accustomed to this), the happiness of my little girl, and the space to study and think ... what can I say? It's a pretty nice life plan at the minute.

I will miss the ladies especially, as will my little lady. Her aunties love her so much, and the maternal vibe is palpable. I will also miss the second pair of loving arms to pick up my 13kg angel every day, as my belly grows out, that spare pair of arms have become critical to my continued muscular health.
I have slowed down, as a result of the third trimester, but also because of PNG. I like it.

I love driving at 50 in the overtaking lane.
I don't mind standing in line for 15 or so minutes while five different ladies try to change the register roll.
I don't mind entering my PIN 8 times before the lady realises the eftpos machine is not plugged in.
I am happy to site behind a ute spewing black smoke with 3 generations perched precariously on the back tray.

How will we cope in Australia? The roads already scare me, I am going to have to dig out the range of anti-tailgating bumper-stickers I designed some time ago for protection. Further, I am going to have to channel my inner passive-aggressive to hold my own at the supermarkets in Civic. On the upside, I am also going to 'have to' enjoy the Australian coast over summer, and 'have to' chow down on a wheel of the finest brie just as soon as numero dos makes an entrance to the world.

Farewell PNG, land of the slow sunshine-filled smiles, and (a slightly guarded) hello to Australia, land of plenty (of soft cheese) and crazy drivers.

Figure 1.0 - One of several anti-tailgating bumper stickers soon to be sported on a road near you (in Canberra).

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