Sunday, February 5, 2012

Grizzle spreads.

Two screaming kids before breakfast (mine, not theirs) really has a way of sapping the life out of a Monday morning.

Not that I had much 'life' to begin with - our baby woke up hourly for one reason or another from 12am-6am, and then when a window of rest finally opened, the our two year old lady arrived in our bed for company, and to issue me with some demands, eg 'Mummy don't feed the baby', 'Mummy he doesn't need to be on your lap' etc etc.

In any case - I was and remain ready to abandon the family temporarily for a quick trip to Tahiti should my sleep remain so interrupted and my kids so grizzly. What else is there to do?

The breadwinner left nervously for work this morning and whispered ' ...You can't leave .... I don't know what to do.'

I like his honesty. And it is probably the only thing anyone has said to me this morning that approaches funny.

So I'll stay. At least until lunch.

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