Today I learned that the Port Moresby rush hour is no place for a seedy lady who is no longer adept at being seedy.
Port Moresby traffic keeps its flow thanks to giant double laned roundabouts that helpfully let anyone go in any direction at any time. For example - I could turn right from the left lane at the same time as the person alongside me chooses to accelerate and cut me off so as to turn left from the right lane.
Today as I laboured home from a school drop off at 8am I elected to drive at a safe average speed of 40km per hour. People sped past me in cars being held together by packing tape and once again I marvelled at how much a car could actually take and remain road worthy.
Mini vans and taxis wedged so close into spaces that didn't exist, that I could have reached out and shared the Twisties someone was eating for breakfast in the next car.
For the second time this week, I saw the same mini van/PMV for sale. It is asking 59,000 Kina. (???!!!)
The back of the van is 80% rust, back tyres almost down to metal, several windows missing, and there is an alarming tilt that exists regardless of on-board passenger distribution.
I am no expert in public transport here or anywhere - but this does not present as particularly good value for money in my mind.
For that much money - it is possible to buy a brand new shiny vehicle .... or half a kilo of mushrooms, or an iceberg lettuce, or a few litres of fresh milk.
I know where my Kina would go!